Getting Started: Create your Insurance Profile

Setting Up Your Insurance Profile with Owl Practice

Enrolling with in-network insurance payers is an essential step for ensuring smooth and efficient insurance billing for your clinic. Follow this Step-by-Step Guide designed to be quick and seamless, leveraging information from your Therapist and Practice profiles to expedite the process. Follow these steps to get started:

Watch our interactive tutorial

Create your profile

Step 1: Log in to Owl Practice 

  • access your Owl Practice account using your credentials.
Step 2: Confirming Your Subscription
  • Once logged in, navigate to the Settings section.
  • In the Settings menu, select the Subscriptions sub-navigation bar.
  • Confirm your 'Current Plan' is the Owl Pro USA subscription. This subscription is necessary to access the insurance profile features.

Step 3: Navigating to Insurance within your Practice Details settings

  • In the Settings section, select Practice Details.
  • Within Practice Details, click on the Insurance tab.

Step 4: Create an Insurance Profile:

  • Under the Insurance tab, click on the Create a Profile button.

Step 5: Selecting Profile Type

  • A prompt will appear asking you to select the type of profile you are creating. Choose Organization for a clinic profile or Individual for an individual therapist profile.
    Note: Creating a clinic profile is required at a minimum.

Step 6: Filling Out the Insurance Profile Form

  • You will be presented with an insurance profile form.
  • Most fields in the form will be auto-populated based on your Owl Account information. Review and confirm that the following details are accurate:
    • Organization or Provider details:
      • NPI (National Provider Identifier)
      • EIN/Tax ID (Employer Identification Number)
      • Taxonomy Code
    • Place of Service details
      • Place of Service Code
      • Facility NPI
      • Name, Address, & Phone
    • Any other required fields specific to your insurance payers.
  • Make any necessary corrections or updates.

Step 7: Save Your Insurance Profile

  • After verifying all the information, click on the Save Profile button.
  • Your insurance profile is now established.

Step 8: Repeat for Additional Profiles

  • If needed, repeat these steps to create additional profiles for the clinic and each therapist enrolling in insurance payers.


Summary ✅
By following these steps, you will successfully set up your clinic and provider insurance profiles in the Owl Practice EHR application. Ensuring that your profiles are accurate and up-to-date will facilitate smooth insurance billing processes with in-network payers.

Additional Resources 📂

Owl Integrated Insurance Overview

Get Connected: Enroll with any Payer through our Network

Establish client coverage and request benefit verification (VOB) details

Submit Insurance Claims

View and Track Insurance Claims


Need Further Assistance? ☎️

If you encounter any difficulties or have questions while setting up your Insurance Profile, our support team is available to assist you. Contact us at or schedule a one on one session.